Diagnostic Radiology Special Interest Group
Diagnostic Radiology (DR) is the use of x-rays to image the human body. Modalities include digital x-ray, computed tomography (CT) and fluoroscopy. The DRSIG focusses on all aspects of diagnostic radiology physics, and issues affecting the DR physics workforce. The DRSIG encompasses a wide range of issues, in both the clinical and research domains, including:
- Image quality and patient dose optimisation;
- DR imaging equipment quality assurance;
- Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations;
- National dose audits and Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs), and;
- Image processing software and tools.
The broad range of activities is reflected in the make-up of the DRSIG which includes individuals working in DR Physics roles including Clinical Technologists, Clinical Scientists, Medical Physics Experts and Radiation Protection Advisors. The DRSIG has observers from a range of bodies including UKHSA, HSE, CQC and MHRA. The DRSIG, as for all IPEM SIGs, reports to the Science, Technology, Engineering, Research and Innovation Council and the Professional and Standards Council via two SIG Chair representatives.
Our goals are to:
- Be the ‘spokesperson’ and expert consultation group for IPEM on DR issues, liaising with the workforce via the Community of Interest.
- To coordinate a programme of scientific and educational meetings and webinars, on the subject of diagnostic radiology.
- To encourage and develop evidence-based practice and to monitor the impact of new technology in the field of diagnostic radiology.
- To produce and comment on draft publications & legislation relating to diagnostic radiology.
- To encourage liaison between members working in different environments such as academia, industry and healthcare.
- To review levels of workforce provision and expertise within DR physics
- Support IPEM’s mission to “improve health through physics and engineering medicine”.
Our upcoming events can be found on the IPEM Events pages: https://www.ipem.ac.uk/what-s-on/ipem-events/.
The members of DRSIG, who organise these activities, are IPEM volunteers who meet several times a year, both virtually and in person. If you want to join the committee follow the "Volunteer for IPEM" link below and read the role description.
The committee shares its work and knowledge via an online Community of Interest, which is open to everyone with an interest in the subject area. If you follow the link you can join for free: https://www.ipem.ac.uk/get-involved/communities-of-interest/ . This online platform also has a list of the SIG committee members and contact details of the Chair if you want to get in touch.