The Science Council
The Science Council's registers uphold and recognise high standards of professional practice by scientists and science technicians. For someone working in science, professional registration proves their competence, ability and integrity. As a professional body, IPEM holds a licence to award Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci) and Chartered Scientist (CSci) registrations.

How to apply for Science Council registration through IPEM
You must be hold at least Associate membership of IPEM at the point of application - if you are not already a member please visit the Join IPEM page for more information on the various levels of membership and the application process.
All applicants for Science Council registration need to demonstrate their competence across five areas by providing examples from their working life, usually within the last five years, that illustrates how each standard has been met. The competencies are:
- Application of knowledge and understanding
- Personal responsibility
- Interpersonal skills
- Professionalism
- Professional standards
Find out more and apply
Follow the links below to access application forms and additional guidance.