Cover of Report 98 Guidance on the Measurement and Use of EMF and EMC

Report 98 Guidance on the Measurement and Use of EMF and EMC

Published Institute of Physics & Engineering In Medicine: 2010: IPEM Report Series


Physicists and engineers who work in healthcare are finding that they need to know more and more about electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic compatibility, in order to assess occupational exposure, to design equipment that works without suffering from or causing interference, and to comply with an increasingly complex legislative framework. This report will help them do this. Starting with an overview of the relevant directives and guidelines, the publication next gives practical advice on how to design medical equipment for EMC, and describes the types of equipment that are available for measuring electric and magnetic fields. There are then more specific chapters on RF spectrum management, EMC at mains frequencies, mobile communications devices and magnetic resonant imaging. There is a concluding chapter on future applications of EM fields in medicine, and useful appendices including a list of suppliers of measurement equipment and a glossary of terms used in electromagnetics. This report will be a valuable reference, particularly for those who design, purchase, install or operate electro-medical devices and equipment.