Resources for Special Interest Groups
We hope you will find these resources useful. If you have any questions or need anything else please contact us:
- Special Interest Groups main contact: Eva McClean (EDI and Member Networks)
- Conferences and webinars; Conference Team
- Social media, Scope, newsletters, consultations, policy; Communications Team
- Booking a room at the National Office for a SIG meeting; Jenny McGuire
- Travel expenses and questions about budgets; Finance Team
- Task & Finish Groups; Jennifer Cannon (Professional Knowledge and Innovation)
Role Description SIG Member
Detailed description of the role, work involved and expected time commitment for SIG membership
SIG Chair Role description
Details about the position of the role within IPEM, responsbibilities and support provided
SIG Action Plan
Template for the SIG action plan that needs to be completed by the 31 October and updated on the 31 May.
Publications structure IPEM
A chart outlining what publications IPEM produces and how they are created and signed off
Confidentiality and Data Protection agreement
All SIG members need to sign this if they haven't already done so in another role. For external members please see the "Policy on external members and Observers"
Chair Induction document
Information about the roles of the chair as well as infromation on volunteer recruitment, office support, chairing meetings etc.