CPD Audit

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The HCPC audits a sample of CPD records on their register every two years whilst the other bodies carry out an annual audit.

The IPEM CPD Scheme has been designed to fulfil the requirements of these regulatory and registration bodies.  There are five CPD standards which must be met:

A registrant must:

  1. Maintain a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities;
  2. Demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice;
  3. Seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery;
  4. Seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user; and
  5. Upon request, present a written profile (which must be their own work and supported by evidence) explaining how they have met the Standards for CPD.
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How it works

Each December registrants on the IPEM CPD Scheme will be contacted by email with a request to submit an online annual declaration confirming they have undertaken CPD in that year.  All registrants should complete the declaration by 31 January which asks a brief number of questions and allows for registrants to respond accordingly if they have been unable to undertake CPD due to issues such as ill health, parental leave or a career break.  For more information regarding the declaration please visit our Annual Declaration page.

Following the declaration deadline, as part of the IPEM CPD Scheme, IPEM carry out an audit.  This means we will ask a number of CPD Scheme registrants to submit a summary record of their CPD activities using the mycareerpath® online professional development system.  The CPD Audit Panel assess the submissions against the CPD standards and provide feedback to registrants about how these have (or have not) been met.  Any registrant who has not met the standards will be offered assistance to make any necessary amendments.  Audits are undertaken both to enable advice and guidance to be given to individual registrants and to enable evidence of good practice to be shared throughout the profession.


Mycareerpath Logo


mycareerpath® is used for the IPEM and RCT annual. If you are selected for audit, we will ask you to upload your CPD summary to mycareerpath®. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted via email or post.

Even members who don’t use mycareerpath® for planning and recording CPD can upload an external CPD record into the system and submit it. It’s quicker and easier than attaching the record to an email.

The number of registrants audited is currently set at:

  • 5% of IPEM CPD Scheme registrants. 
  • 2.5% or 20 Science Council registrants (this is 2.5% or 20 across all their registers not 2.5% or 20 per register). 
  • 2.5% or 10 Engineering Council registrants (this is 2.5% or 10 across all their registers not 2.5% or 10 per register). 
  • 2.5% of Register of Clinical Technologists (RCT)
Career Signpost

The audit is important

There are consequences to not meeting the CPD audit standards either by not responding to a request to submit a CPD summary or by not providing enough information to pass the audit:      

  • Science Council registrants will be removed from the Science Council register and shall lose the right to use the designatory letters of their register. Removed registrants must wait for a period of 18 months before they can reapply and   must demonstrate their CPD activity for the 18 months leading up to their re-application.
  • Engineering Council registrants will be removed from the Engineering Council register and shall lose the right to use the designatory letters of their register. Removed registrants must wait for a period of 18 months before they can reapply and must demonstrate their CPD activity for the 18 months leading up to their re-application.
  • Register of Clinical Technologists registrants will receive a suspension of registration due to CPD failure and their registration status on the online register will be updated to reflect this. This status will remain against the registrant’s name for 12 months after which time the registration status will be changed to ‘deregistered’ until a full re-application is approved.  The registrant will be required to participate in the next CPD audit cycle without failure.

Please contact membership@ipem.ac.uk if you have any queries regarding your CPD submission.

Types of CPD Activity and Examples

Types of CPD Activity and Examples

Not all CPD has to be conducted at work. This list contains a wide range of example activities that can count towards CPD



Explore the HCPCs CPD resources and For more information on CPD standards.

mycareerpath® user guide

mycareerpath® user guide

Download IPEMs user guide for mycareerpath®

Other CPD Resources


We are delighted to inform members that we have chosen the mycareerpath® online professional development system, designed and managed by the Engineering Council, to plan, evidence and record professional development.

CPD Help

Five steps to good CPD and online CPD webinar.