Fellowship Application Form

Contact Information

See our Privacy Policy listed on our website.

Including postcode

If Applicable

Professional information

Including dept (if applicable) and postcode

Contact preferences
Membership Eligibility

If you are also a member of the Institute of Physics (IOP) you are entitled to 25% discount on your membership fee. Please state your IOP membership category:

Please indicate which best describes you. I am:

If you hold a registration not listed above please state. If you are working in academia with a PhD please state "N/A"

Supporting documents

New Applicants Only

New applicants only - In order for your education qualifications to be confirmed and your eligibility for Fellowship to be verified, please provide the following details:
If you would like to nominate a person to be informed of the outcome of your application, please include their name and contact details:

As a new member you will have access to our Communities of Interest (COI). This is a site that combines the benefits of a mail base, a networking platform and a resource library. It enables professional collaboration, discussion and sharing documents. Please tick which Communities of Interest you would like to be added to in the first instance. Other Communities of Interest are available. Please take a look around the COI platform for further information. We will arrange for posts to me emailed to you daily, however, you can change these settings by clicking your silhouette (top right) and navigating to My Account > Community Notifications, where you can opt for your posts to be emailed in either in real time, daily or as a daily or weekly digest. Or you can choose to receive no emails. You can reply to posts directly from your email, including with attachments, so you don’t need to log in to participate. You can also unsubscribe from your Communities by navigating to the Community and clicking Settings > Unsubscribe, or by unsubscribing via the link at the bottom of a community email.

Paying your membership fee

Once your membership application is approved we will contact you with instructions on how to pay your membership fee. To help us best assist you please let us know how you would like to pay your membership fee.

The total fee per year stays the same whichever option you pick.